Friday, August 5, 2011


Some people like to party. Some much more than others. As social beings, we naturally love going to places and meeting new people.

I do, don't get me wrong. But I truly enjoy the simple life. I value my peace and quiet. I'd rather chill with small company playing tunes, singing, jamming on my acoustic.

It's with this factor that people are lead to believe I'm a quiet/serious person. It's true. Yeah I may be a man of few words but I make more sense than half the knuckleheads out there.  As for the serious part, at this day and age, I think that's a plus.

Basically, I'm not and never was the party type. My early HS/College years may lead you to believe otherwise, but that's only because I 'socially' do so.

Music. Guitar. Iced tea. Beach. San Diego. Travel. Good times.

The chill, simple life is the life for me. :)



a little piece of the internet for me. where I can share my unbiased thoughts. like a rocketeer, my journey begins.
